Words EMPOWER People to

Learn, Communicate, and Live

a BETTER future
“Our mission is to improve rates of literacy among youth and adults in Hawaii, striving for educational equity and a better future for all.”
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Surreal and Shocking Statistics

1 in 6 adults are functionally illiterate in Hawaii

For every $1 a literate person earns in Hawaii, an illiterate counterpart earns merely %0.44 That amounts to a whopping $800,000 less per lifetime

16 percent of Hawaii adults lack basic prose literacy skills. Such skills are defined as the “ability to search, comprehend, and use information from continuous texts… includ[ing] editorials, news stories, brochures, and instructional materials

 Hawaii is the eight lowest state with regards to public library concentration (3.5 per 100,000).



“Words4 made my kids excited about reading again, and I am eternally grateful”


Mother of two young boys (Aged 5 and 7)
Interested in Joining

Today, Words4 is working to expand throughout the islands of Hawaii. We are working to 

eliminate illiteracy by serving Hawaiian students and their families

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